Rama valley is located in Astore approximately 112 KM from Gilgit, 56 Km from the KKH at jaglot and 134 KM from Skardu via Deosai plain. Rama Valley is thickly forested with huge pine, cedar, fir and juniper trees. The valley is about 3300 meters above sea level and thus is snow covered for 7-8 months of the year. In summer, it becomes lush green; conditions favored by local shepherds Rama is home to some famous species like: ibex, musk deer, snow leopard and rock partridge .The area is also considered to have plethora of medicinal plants. This valley offers a number of tourist attractions including: sightseeing, trekking, wild life, forest, glaciers and above all the beautiful Rama Lake which is spectacular and eye catching. Rama valley with lush green pastures and tall pine trees is an ideal camp site for the independent travelers.